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Verisign  Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC

Business Banking

Savings & CD Products

Firstbank provides a full range of savings accounts designed to meet your financial requirements. A Firstbank representative would be happy to discuss the many account options with you. More...


Checking Products

Firstbank provides a full suite of Checking products that meet your business needs.

Contact a Firstbank representative at the branch most convenient to you or contact us for specific information about any Firstbank deposit product for your business.


Commercial Loan Products

Ready to roll up their sleeves and get you in the game. The players on Firstbank’s commercial loan department roster are trained to deliver a banking environment that is responsive, innovative and flexible. More...


Electronic Banking

Telephone Banking Center
At Firstbank, we know how hectic your schedule is. With Firstbank’s 24 hour telephone banking service you can access your account balances, the latest account transactions and make transfers and loan payments. Firstbank makes dialing for dollars easy. More...

Banking done with a simple point and click. For business or personal use, Firstbank’s eBanking product enables transactions to be completed from your desktop. More...

Direct Deposit
Stop deducting time from your day. Firstbank’s direct deposit program eliminates trips to the bank by electronically transferring your paycheck into your specified account(s). Loan payments can also be made automatically. More...


Merchant Services

Firstbank's Bankcard Merchant Gives you an edge. The more you use it, the more you'll benefit - with streamlined accounting, solid purchase protection and no annual membership fee with one purchase per year. More...


Trust & Investments

Trust services are provided for Firstbank customers via affiliation with Citizens Bank Wealth Management, N. A.
(989) 466-7354 or
: More...


Making Decisions in the Communities We Call Home

Thank you Firstbank for helping us with our home loan
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